Selasa, 29 Mei 2012



School Name                          : SMPN 1 Aikmel
Subject                                                : Science / Biology
Class / Semester                      : VIII (Eight) / 1
Allocation of Time                  : 2 x 40 minutes (once meeting)

Competency Standard         
Understanding all  of the system in human life

Basic Competence
Describe of digestive system in human and their relationship with the health.

1.      Explain of digestive food process
2.      Explain the function of digestive system organs
3.      Analize figure of digestive system
4.      Explain of the illness of digestive organs

Learning Purposes
1.      Student will be able to match any organ of digestive tract to its name
2.      Student will be able to explain the function of organs in the human digestive tract
3.      Student will be able to distinguish between mechanic digestion and chemical digestion food.
4.      Student will be able to  mention  of digestion enzymes
5.      Student will be able to analize figure of digestive system
6.      Student will be able to  mention of  disease that tract attack the digestive organs human.

Learning Materials
Digestive system in human

Learning Model
Cooperative Learning

Learning Method
NHT (Numbered Head Together), presentation, discussion

a.      Introduction Activities (15 minutes)
1.      Perform apperception by ask one student to eat some food in front of class. Teacher ask to the student  how the can the food change into energy for human. How the prosess can be happen?
2.      Teachers communicate the learning purposes.

b.      Core Activities (50 minutes)
1.      Teacher presents the materials about digedtive system in human.
2.      Teacher guides students to form a heterogeneous group of 4-5 people.
3.      Teacher gives number to each student in group and named the different groups.
4.      Give the students worksheet to each group and ask students to discuss it in group.
5.      Teacher calls a number and the students from each group with the same number raise their hands and give answers to students in class.
6.      Give an opportunity for other students to ask questions and comment on the answers of these students.

c.       Closing Activities (15 minutes)
1.      Teacher and students conclude the material discussion.
2.      Teacher give an award to a group with active and good performance.
3.      Teacher give test to students as a feedback to know the understanding of students about the materials.
4.      Teacher closes the learning.
Learning Source
1.      Tools:
Laptop, LCD
2.      Matters:
Relevant books, presentation materials, pictures, LKS

1.      Type : presentation
2.      Form : LKS for discussion, questions for the test
3.      Instrument : presentation, discussion, result of answering questions

1.      Explain the tract of digestive system in human start from mouth!
2.      Explain the diference between mechanic digestion and chemical digestion!